
Introduction to Python Programming

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Session-2 introduces students to basics of Python programming. The session goals include:

  1. Apply basics of Python Programming. / Aplicar conceptos básicos de programación en Python.
  2. Program basic operations and variables in Python. / Programar variables y operaciones básicas en Python.
  3. Solve and create own operations, and arithmetic-algebraic expressions. / Resolver y plantear operaciones, así como expresiones aritmético-algebráicas.
  4. Program a number guessing game using Python. / Programar en Python un juego consistente en adivinar un número.

To accomplish these goals, Session-2 includes activities described on the cards below. Work through the activities described in each card. Note that the activities in the cards also include programming tasks. Access the programming tasks using the links next to each card.

2.1. Exploring Programming with Python / Explorando cómo se programa en Python

2.2. Programming Number Operations w/ Python / Programación de Operaciónes Numéricas con Python

2.3. Creating Your Number Guessing Game w/ Python / Crea tu propio ‘Number Guessing Game’ en Python