AOLME 2013

ME-S2 Program Description:

The 2013 Mathematics-Engineering Summer School (ME-S2) program of the AOLME project took place at bilingual middle school in the South West. This partnership with APS will support a closer connection with students. The future goal is to implement similar programs at other APS sites. If your school is interested in implementing this program, please contact us at
The (ME-S2) program is comprised of 10 sessions. During these three-hour sessions, students and facilitators worked in small groups on a curriculum similar to last year's (ME-S2) program developed during Summer 2012. This curriculum also included an introduction to digital image processing and the use of still black and white (binary), grayscale, and color images and video, with the difference that students used a free and universal programming environment based on Python on a very low-cost computing platform based on the Raspberry Pi computer. The successful teaching of digital color video processing at the middle school level using a low-cost computing platform (Raspberry Pi) represents a significant innovation.
We had a wonderful experience in June 2013 with students of this middle school as well as with other students who applied and were accepted into the program. To view the videos developed by these students click here.

2013 ME-S2 Program Flyer:



During the 2013 ME-S2 program, our students explored image representations through both hands-on and computer-based activities.


Group Astros:
Group Boss:
Group Cranberries:
Group Danger Crew:
Group Energies:

Some final products of the 2013 ME-S2 program were digital color videos that our students constructed from the pixel level.