The Spring 2013 Mathematics Enginering Club (MEC), an
after school program, took place at UNM, ECE building.
Students, in a similar environment as that of the
ME-S2 program, met for three hours on Saturdays
during a ten-week period. The curriculum was a continuation of
level 1 implemented during the 2012 ME-S2 program, and it
included explicit approaches to basic programming, problem solving,
and conceptual understanding of digital image and video processing and
related mathematics skills, which were connected to some of the Common
Core State Standards for Mathematics.
During MEC 2013, students developed sophisticated videos that included
applications of mathematical morphology and sound.
Students developed conceptual understanding of programming by creating
flowcharts in each of their projects. Here are
some samples of
the videos that students created.
2013 MEC Program Flyer:
Group A:
Some final products of the 2013 MEC program were digital color
videos that our students constructed from the pixel level.