AOLME 2012

ME-S2 Program Description:

The Mathematics-Engineering Summer School (ME-S2) is an after school program that took place at UNM. Middle school students attended the program for three weeks and worked in small groups (three hours daily) with facilitators (undergraduate students and research team). The curriculum included an introduction to digital image and video processing and the use of still black and white (binary), gray scale, and color images and video. Students used a high-level computing platform to represent and process digital images and video. The first round of this program took place during the Summer of 2012. Some samples of students' work are included here. Students and their parents demonstrated great interest in continuing their participation in the program and learn more about engineering. Some of them signed up for the 2013 Spring MEC program
Through our experience in the ME-S2 program, we were impressed by the level and quality of work that middle school students engaged in. They were able to program digital color video representations at the pixel-level and demonstrated elementary video processing methods. They showed their projects to their families and friends with great pride during our "graduation" ceremony and both parents and students were very satisfied with the work of these students. They took home copies of these videos. It was rewarding to see how their interest in engineering and mathematics increased.

2012 ME-S2 Program Flyer:



During the 2012 ME-S2 program, our students explored image representations through both hands-on and computer-based activities.


Group A:
Group C:
Group D:
Group E:

Some final products of the 2012 ME-S2 program were digital color videos that our students constructed from the pixel level.